Wearing Gemstone But No Luck ?

Wearing Gemstone But No Luck ?

 A Gem Stone Can Bring Good Luck

There could be five possible reasons, which are:

Possible Reasons For Wearning It

1. Suitability: The gemstone you are wearing would have not been suitable as per your birth data and for the problem for which you are using as solution.

2. Quality: The gemstone would not be natural and of good quality and with cracks inside it .

3. Natural Energy: – the astrologer would not fill it with natural energy by following Vedic methods prescribed by ancient sages.

4. Gemstone programming:  gemstone wouldn’t been programmed by the person who is wearing with innovative method designed by Astrogemstoneforlife.com.


5. Muhurtham:  Gemstone worn time would be wrong and less auspicious.

However, we follow all the above five things while recommending to our clients as a result all our clients.

That have achieved their desired results in their lives and as our motto, they have enhanced their lives.

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